Tuesday, 5 March 2019

Collaboration Models

Part of the exploration I'm undertaking for my Google Innovator project is to look at how teachers and community resources (read: The Mind Lab, Tairāwhiti Museum, Waka Hourua, etc) could better collaborate to produce high-quality digital resources that are visible and rewindable in order to involve learners in real-world learning that is engaging and accessible to all.

Collaboration is a challenge when working across a whole region.  Many people are time poor and overwhelmed by other tasks, so although they are excited about the idea of collaboration, it's either not achieved or it's not turbocharged to the level that it could be.

This video was an interesting watch:
James Hopkins on Collaboration

This also led me to look at some new information around Practitioner Research and I found this "Inquiry on Inquiry" here.

Looking further, I realised that Google Scholar has a number of recent resources available as well.  
A bit of light reading for later: here.

Loads to unpack, but I'm excited about the impact it could have for our region if we can explore best practice for regional collaboration.

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