Friday 20 December 2019


Online learning abounds.  What a luxury it is to be working in a role that encourages...  nay, requires, further learning.  These are just some of the areas I've been upskilling in, in 2019.  Bring on the rest!


Wednesday 11 December 2019

Engagement in Learning

What is it about engagement that makes it challenging to see value in within the realm of education.

This reading on Game-Based Education from NZCER.

Is it that engagement is so hard to measure?
Is it that engagement is hard to attend to or cater for within classrooms?

Could we use Game-Based learning in classrooms to engage learning?
There are a number of different platforms that can engage learners.

One aspect our local whanau keep reiterating as of importance to them is to retain the art of storytelling in the education of their tamariki.  In my research into Game Based Education I also came across this initiative making waves.... Story Hui 

Things to muse over.