Google Summit South was held in Christchurch, where five of us GisInt teachers attended workshops at Burnside High over the course of April 8th and 9th, 2015. I've wanted to attend Google Summit for a few years now but had no idea of the impact it would have on my pedagogy, future direction and personal viewpoints.
While I wasn't overwhelmed with the number of suggestions of new tools or apps etc at the conference, this wasn't because there weren't a large number there - more due to the fact that in our past year, as a team, the e-learning team have explored so many great tools already. With the advent of Google Apps for Education, the focus has become less on teching and more on teaching. This means that what we encountered at Google Summit was more a great meeting of the minds and exploration of tried and tested practices, policies and pedagogies that are vital in our current state of education. Like Chris Betcher said, we are not there to teach the nouns - it's not important that our students know how to use Google Slides, or PowerPoint, or iMovie... but rather that they are able to ascertain the best tool to enact the verbs - persuading, presenting, explaining etc. Powerful shifts in education and as such, powerful and deep learning planned for our students. Technology use can make the learning superficial..... technology integration means using technology as just tools for learning. Nevermind the 'ICT focus' or 'e-learning' going on in the room - it's just learning.
And upon my return from Google Summit South I feel like my learning has been profound. I've gathered a few new tools.... but more importantly, I'm looking at how to integrate them seamlessly into our learning environments so they are inconspicuous but powerfully supportive of what we do as educators... moving our students towards environments where there is ubiquity, agency and connectedness in order for students to not just become 'life-long learners' but to become what the world needs - innovators, designers and creators.
Thank you Google Summit South!
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