Teaching through learning and learning through teaching.
Getting involved in education for me. My learning matters. Choosing to get involved ourselves in education.
Google Summit
Facebook Cluster Meetings
TeachExpo Gisborne
What can we do so everyone can get involved and people learn from people.
Edcamp looks so cool!
This video is pretty awesome:
and there's a Wiki to help organise an EdCamp.
Lots of interesting things to think about for TeachExpo!
Speaking of learning, Mind Lab starts next week! So exciting! We got at email the other day with our Unitech log in details etc. I'm so looking forward to the pedagogy behind this - looking forward to getting involved in some learning myself.
The past couple of days I've:
mentored teachers in creating their blogs, 1 on 1
run workshops for teachers on Blogger and Google+ and
met with parents around how to use technology from our classroom at home to make sure learning is happening.
Its' exciting, it's invigorating and I'm enjoying the journey that teaching is taking me on - speaking in front of others, presenting ideas, sharing and talking and learning from each other.
It's exciting!
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