Things to recap at this point:
Collaborative learning, New School Organisation, Deliberate Acts of Teaching, Digital Assessment to Support Math and Writing Development.
Collaborative Learning:
This has been awesome! I'm so enjoying working with other people; bouncing ideas off each other, sharing successes and challenges, and getting to know the kids together. I love that we're going about this process slowly, getting to know each other and undertake collaboration within curriculum areas one at a time. At the moment we're more cooperating than collaborating for maths, but I think we'll evolve as time goes on. This will present a bit of a challenge in maths around Student Learning Conferences... so we'll need to think about that. Best practice would suggest that we should all be seeing the kids all of the time, so it will be interesting to try to work out out to do that.
New School Organisation
Glen and Herman and I had a productive and exciting meeting today, deciding on what our direction could be next for e-Learning. My focus will be on how to integrate e-Learning with our other curriculum areas. Now that our Learning Pathways etc are all up and running, it's going to be an exciting thing to work through. I've started already and it would be amazing to design some samples that students could work their way through and track their own progress. I'm also looking forward to designing an independent programme for our extension writers that would be motivating and personalized.
Deliberate Acts of Teaching
It was great to have this really spelled out in our Team Meeting today. Many of these things we do already, but it was great to be able to talk through them, reading and sharing back on a section each. I really enjoyed our Team Meeting Time being more about professional learning and less about the admin stuff which I could read myself.
The link to the TKI site where the Deliberate Acts of Teaching are covered is here
Digital Assessment to Support Math and Writing Development
This has been quite fun. I'm trying to design some quite simple formative assessments that cover many of the aspects that our writers struggle with often and use this to support writing and maths. Now that I have a clearer direction around our e-learning roles, I'm wanting to integrate that too. It will be really cool to see how it comes together. I'm hoping that it can be run quite simply and that I can find ways of putting HyperDocs together so that these can stem from our Learning Pathways. This will help us to personalise the kids' learning.
It's been a busy term so far, but with camp and assessments done, it's really awesome now to begin to get down to some targeted needs-based group teaching. The kids are much more settled and I'm really enjoying my time with them.