Thursday, 28 January 2016

Gisborne Intermediate Teacher Only Day 1: 2016

Assessment for Learning - The Big Picture
- with Ande Ford

Queries around National Standards and how we are managing them.
Discussion around overview of our School-Wide Focus - Assessment for Learning
The huge discrepancies between outcomes at schools mean that the Gisborne Communities of Learning intend to focus on Moderation in order to attain consistency.

Importance placed on Celebration of Learning and touched on the perception that some teachers celebrate more than often.

2016 Goal:
To raise student achievement in Literacy and Numeracy by improving teacher knowledge and application of ....

Know thy learner - Hattie
(An activity to do at the start of the year).
Two truths and a lie

Great opportunity to learn about learners by seeing who can follow instructions, who can cope with this kind of activity (off the bat)

Expert Jigsaw

Looked at a reading each through the Clarity in the Classroom book.

Is the feedback from the teacher all the time?
Is sometimes the feedback from the student to you - about the feedback?
Or from the student to another student?
Or internally - reflecting on it themselves and making comments on what they need to do next?  Self-assessment.

Student reflecting on the fact that this is quite a good piece of evidence to show they have achieved a level.
Assessment means to sit beside......
meaning we "do assessment with them"  not "do assessment TO them"

Teacher's reputations are built on the level of feedback they give.

Why are we doing assessment?

IKAN, Writing Sample, Reading Comprehension, PAT Math and Reading, Gloss.... all on the schedule again for this year.

Assessment for Learning...
Learner Agency

Then watched Austin's Butterfly

Use this for Growth Mindset and assessing ability to persevere etc with Screencast or StopMotion to show progress and have learners explain their process and show their development and explanation of their